What Do These Melbourne Street Signs Mean? - Greek District Melbourne
What Do These Melbourne Street Signs Mean? - Greek District Melbourne

What Do These Melbourne Street Signs Mean? - Greek District Melbourne

In centre of Melbourne there are a series of street signs with an unusual pattern. What do they mean, and why are they worth following?

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On some streets in the Melbourne CBD, you'll see signs with this unusual symbol. And if you follow them, you'll find more on windows, pavements and shelters. And this. So what's it all about?

The symbol is a meander, also known as a great key or fret. And it was a common feature of ancient Greek art dating back thousands of years. And it's still a commonly used symbol of Greece to this day.

These signs point to the city's Greek precinct, centred right here on Lonsdale Street. Melbourne has one of the largest Greek populations in the world, estimated to be as high as 400,000 people, the largest outside Greece. In fact, it's been described as the third largest Greek city overall, after Athens and Thessaloniki, which is actually a sister city of Melbourne. This large migration happened after World War II and the community has become an important part of the city.

So here's the tip. Follow the signs and check it out, particularly when cultural festivities are on or just swing by and grab yourself a gyros.

Unknown Melbourne is a series exploring interesting parts of the city. So check out the channel and subscribe for more. I'm Julian O'Shea. Take care.


Channel: http://youtube.com/julianoshea